Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Group Meeting Friday 11th March 2011

Group Name-Inspiration
Time- 2.10pm~2.50 40minutes in total
Present- Tamika Smith, Maria Alexiou and Sinthuja Tacks-Jeyaranjan

After filming for the first day, we felt it was important to gain feedback from class members, teachers and our focus groups. We all watched over the filming and feedback was given on what worked well and what could be improved in order to make our trailer more effective. The feedback received enabled us to understand that some improvements need to me made to current storylines in order to make them more understandable. So we felt before filming the excess scenes we would re-shoot one of the current scenes. We also would be adding another narrative, so it was important for us to understand that our narrative needs to be explained well to the audience in order to gain there interest. Changes in narrative will need to be shown in our storyboard, script and treatment.

After taking out this research we will have to know re-write our storyboard and script as this will help us when it comes to filming for the 2nd half of our trailer. I feel that once re-writing this, our trailer will become more effective and draw in a larger audience as we will now express three different storylines, as if one didn't appeal to a viewer the others may. Mistakes will also be reduced with a new step outline for us to follow as filming in the day light is very important for us. Myself(Maria) will be re-writing the script, Sinthuja Tacks will be producing the new StoryBoard and Tamika Smith will be producing the new Treatment.

The following three posts will show the improvements and changes that have been made to story board and Script with the new and the final treatment of "Lopen Road". The group meeting was very important as it lead us to understand what changes we need to make in order to progress and become more successful producers.

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